Your Road Ahead

This map shows the recommended route to complete a successful church property expansion - the creation of more space to continue adding people to your growing church!  Since you probably haven't traveled this route before, you'll want a Guide who knows the road and who can navigate around unexpected conditions.


Phase 1 — Envisioning Your Next Facility

CFS guides your expansion Vision into a realistic, achievable and executable plan - your Facility Goal. Your strategic plan includes the financial feasibility, evaluation of property alternatives, predicts total project costs (acquisition, soft, hard, financing and FF&E outfitting), predicts future donations and church operational expenses (including recommended future operating budgets) and is used to present to prospective donors and lenders alike.

Phase 2 — Acquiring Real Estate

CFS guides you through the evaluation, negotiation and acquisition of either an existing building to renovate or an undeveloped land site suitable to meet your Vision either as your broker, or in tandem with your chosen broker. Before you pursue property you should know what you can afford.


Phase 3 — Resourcing Your Project

Your financial resources to accomplish your Vision are comprised of both Equity and Debt.

Equity - CFS guides you in selecting a fund-raising organization that fits your DNA, then leads the creation of building images, videos, and other documentation (budget, cash flows, income projection models). CFS will meet with key donor candidates (if desired). If you have property to sell, CFS will lead the marketing and sale effort as your selling broker or, hire and oversee the efforts of a local real estate broker.

Debt - CFS will help you create an attractive lender package, then source lender candidates, and negotiate the most favorable loan terms possible. Only when all of the equity and debt resources have been secured, can your church confidently close on the new property, complete the final design, provide the down payment for the new loan and begin construction.

Phase 4 — Project Management Execution

As your church’s guide, advocate and Project Manager, CFS leads the pre-construction and construction phases. CFS creates the Project Schedule, the Total Project Cost Budget, and the Cash Flow financial models. CFS helps you to select the best team of professionals. CFS orchestrates all the activities performed by the architect, general contractor, AVL (audio, visual, lighting) consultant and other professionals. CFS leads the municipal entitlements (zoning, development plan application). CFS handles the financial management including lender payment processing. CFS leads the selection and installation of AVL and FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment). Finally, CFS coordinates the moving arrangements into your new church building.


Discover the Road Ahead With CFS

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