CFS Community

CFS has extensive relationships and its principles financially support many nonprofit organizations throughout the greater Denver area. The ministries we support are teaching those in need to become self-sustaining and productive citizens of our community. They don’t offer a hand out, but a hand up. For 2021, CFS wishes to recognize the outstanding work that CrossPurpose is making in our community.

CrossPurpose is a career guidance ministry focused on ending multi-generational poverty. CP teaches qualified and coachable candidates new life and career skills required to obtain new career type employment. Obtaining a commitment to a well-paying job is a requirement of graduating from CP’s program. Graduation is a life-changing experience for CP graduates who will be able, perhaps for the first time ever, to financially support themselves and their family. Since 2012, CP has raised out of poverty over 1,000 men, women and children living in Denver’s most impoverished neighborhoods. Currently, CP is embarked on an ambitious plan to open 5 new locations that you can learn about by clicking the link.

Bike Ride Fund Raiser Georgetown-Keystone-Georgtown Summer 2020

You can support your favorite nonprofit organization by simply designating it with Amazon Smile and each purchase you make a portion will go directly to them. Every little bit helps!  If you want to learn more about any of these ministries or would like a personal introduction, please email us at

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